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Baba Jaga – The witch – Chapter 2

Play audio As the girl peeked through a window, she saw an old woman sitting on a chair spinning wool. 👁Play audio "Good afternoon old lady." 👁Play audio Said the girl. 👁Play audio "Your sister sent me to get a needle and some thread to sew me a dress." 👁Play audio The old woman bid her enter the house. 👁

Play audio "You shall get what you desire but first sit down and do a little spinning." 👁Play audio The girl did as demanded, and the old woman disappeared into the neighbouring room. 👁

Play audio In the neighbouring room, the old witch talked to her maiden: 👁Play audio "I'll go to bed now. 👁Play audio Give the girl a bath and wash her thoroughly. 👁Play audio Tomorrow morning I'll eat her." 👁Play audio But the girl heard her and was shocked. 👁

Play audio After the witch fell asleep the girl begged the maiden: 👁Play audio "Please safe me don't feed me to the witch." 👁Play audio The girl gave the maiden her scarf that her mother made her before she passed away. 👁Play audio Late at night Baba Jaga awoke and asked the girl: 👁Play audio "Are you still spinning?" 👁Play audio "Yes madam." 👁Play audio Replied the girl. 👁

Play audio Some time after the witch went to bed again, the girl could hear her snoring. 👁Play audio The girl silently started towards the door when suddenly a black cat appeared in front of her, hissing at her. 👁

Play audio She took the fish and gave it to the cat, that looked at her in surprise. 👁Play audio "Many thanks, that was very kind of you." 👁Play audio Said the cat. 👁Play audio "You're trying to escape, aren't you? 👁Play audio Listen carefully my dear! 👁

Play audio Baba Jaga will chase you, do not look back and run through the forest as fast as you can. 👁Play audio On the table over there you'll find a comb and a towel. 👁Play audio As soon as you hear her approaching, throw the comb into the air. 👁Play audio On the spot where it will land, a dense forest will appear. 👁

Play audio Since the witch can't leave her house, she'll need to find another way because the house won't be able to pass through on its chicken legs. 👁Play audio When you hear her approaching again, throw the towel into the air. 👁

Play audio On the spot where it will land, a river will appear." 👁Play audio The girl thanked the cat with a deep bow, took the comb and the towel and left the house. 👁
