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Baba Jaga – The stepmother – Chapter 1

Play audio A long time ago there was a father and a mother. 👁Play audio The couple had a fair and gentle daughter. 👁Play audio One day the mother died and after a while the father married again. 👁Play audio His second wife was an evil woman. 👁

Play audio Right from the start, she didn't like her stepdaughter and beat her whenever she was in a bad mood. 👁Play audio She tried everything to get rid of her. 👁Play audio One day when the father wasn't at home, the stepmother said to the girl: 👁Play audio "Go and visit my sister to get me a needle and threat so I can sew you a nice dress." 👁Play audio But her sister was Baba Jaga the wicked witch who lived in the dark forest. 👁

Play audio The girl couldn't refuse, and so she had to go. 👁Play audio On her way to the forest, she passed the house of her aunt and paid her a visit. 👁Play audio "Good day, dear aunt!" 👁Play audio Said the girl. 👁Play audio My stepmother has sent me to her sister to get a needle and thread. 👁Play audio "You did well to visit me first." 👁Play audio Said her aunt. 👁Play audio Take this band, the oil, the bread, and the fish. 👁

Play audio A birch will hit you with its branches and try to stop you. 👁Play audio Bind its branches with the band, so it won't be able to harm you any more. 👁Play audio The gate will squeak and won't let you pass. 👁Play audio You need to oil the hinges thoroughly, or they'll give you away. 👁

Play audio The dogs will chase and bite you. 👁Play audio Give them the bread. 👁Play audio The cat will try to scratch your face and eyes. 👁Play audio Give it the fish. 👁Play audio The girl tried to memorise every single detail, embraced her aunt dearly and said goodbye. 👁

Play audio She continued her way and eventually disappeared into the eerie darkness of the forest. 👁Play audio The girl went deeper and deeper into the forest, until she finally came to stop in front of a tall fence. 👁Play audio Behind it, she spotted a wooden house standing on chicken legs. 👁Play audio "This must be the place." 👁Play audio The girl thought and hesitantly passed the gate. 👁
